On May 16th, 2019, Jana Morris was recognized as VAST- Valley Against Sex Trafficking “Freedom Fighter” for her contribution and efforts towards awareness and outreach in VAST’s mission and the larger movement to end human trafficking. The award reads for “Extraordinary Commitment to Justice.”

RR Founder & ED Awarded Pennsylvania Certification Board “2019 Professional of the Year.”
On April 15, 2019, Jana Morris (Executive Director/Founder of Recovery Revolution) won the Pennsylvania Certification Board “2019 Professional of the Year.” This award is given to one certified professional every year in the State of PA and is based on submitted nominations which are then voted on by the Board of Directors at the PCB.

Recovery Revolution Received “HealthChoices Provider of the Year” Award from COMCARE
Recovery Revolution was nominated and has received the HealthChoices Provider of the Year Award from COMCARE! Recovery Revolution was picked out of all addictions and mental health treatment providers in 64 counties of Pennsylvania.

Recovery Revolution Awarded the “Star of Excellence” Award for “Most Innovative Program”
Recovery Revolution Inc. of 109 Broadway in Bangor was awarded the prestigious Star of Excellence Award for Most Innovative Program at the 3rd Annual Recovery Training and Provider and Consumer Recognition Awards luncheon. In addition to the mahogany plaque from Magellan, Recovery Revolution was awarded a citation from the Pennsylvania State Senate Office by a representative from Senator Browne office in Allentown.